Rosie’s Friends: Furry Wishes • Going Green/Pink Wishes • Birthday & Valentine Wishes • Christmas Wishes | Rescue Stories
Some Wishes from Furry Fans
(Biggie adjusts his Tie…looks in the mirror, checks teeth for spinach…pulls hairbrush from pocket)
Biggie sings:
Yo Yo Biggie in da HOUSE
Paws tew gedder fur ROSIE
Wee is goin pink and green
Fur da perdiest gal ebber seen
Her survived a terrible pwace
Rosie is da ap-pity-me of grace
Say, Rosie Queen of Klass
Cinnamon bee da mum gibbed Rosie life
Goin tew asks Rosie kin bee my wife
Speshull puppers is who wee are
Da rescuers of hearts is da reel star
Say, YAY fur hummin wut gotz gud hearts
Yo Yo Yo…Wee kin change da werld
(Biggie crosses paws) WERD

♥ Trixie

Love Mouse

Rosie, we are all cheering for you. Love the Waggoner’s.

Panchita wanted to say she is thinking of you Rosie. xxoo

Hi Rosie! The Entwistle pack says Get Well soon! Love you, Harley, Abbey, Lily and Abbey

I lubs you Rosie! I know it’s hard after surgery, but sleeps lots and make momma give you special treats! Love Jack

Hi sweet Rosie girl! Hope you are resting comfortably today! I ♥ u with all my heart. ♥ Flower

Hi sweet Rosie! I brought a little pink puppy friend to help cheer you up. Sending you all the Nurse Pixel love and healing hugs I can! ♥♥♥

Pinky sends all his love and puppy dog smooches to Rosie!

good morning rosie remember me im your daddy elliott (aka)rocky just to let you know im happy in my new home very clean and i have been neutered. love you cousin you look so pretty.

Hello Rosie! I was in da puppy mill too! No worry now sweetie, youz safe and gonna be jus fine like me! I gotz my heart fixed! Calvin

Hi Rosie!! Humphrey & Snuffy Want To Wish You A Quick Recovery!! We ♥ You Rosie Girl!! 🙂

Felix says “Hi Rosie” from Chicago!

Hi Rosie!!! It’s Ellie May just stopping by to send you some email Lovin! Feel better & stay strong my special buddy! ♥

Mimi & BC say “Go Rosie”!!!

Hi, Rosie! This is Flower from North Carolina. You can see that I also have skin problems but I’ve come so far with help and lots of loving care. ♥

Missy just wanted to say “Hello Rosie! I know what’s it like to be tender!”

Hi ROSIE, wishing you the best in your recovery! WE ALL LOVE YOU ROSIE! Nina, Tuckie, Harley and Shonee

Sending love and prayers from little 3yr old “Rose” to sweet “Rosie”

Dixy and Dazy say “Hi Rosie!”

Dear Rosie: The Lunning housefull wishes you well, Heal!

Hi, my name is Bimpy, and I am also a rescue dog. I was rescued 10 years ago and live in a house with people who love me, and I want to be your friend Rosie.

Hi Rosie. Wanna take a walk on the beach with me? ♥ Orlando

Oliver is a rescue from the Islip Shelter, he is quite handsoeme and states that he wants Rosey to know she is a 10 in his book. Not only that but he really admires her strength and conviction to help others. xxxooo love Olly,

Hi Rosie–I’m smitten with your beauty!
xoxo, Your Pal, Chauncey

Just stopping by to say Hey 🙂 ♥ to Rosie!!!! Maxina

ROSIE!!! We LOVE your new web sight!!! We hope you are feelin good! I got my wheels and I am rollin now! I hope you get wheels someday too, we can race! Love, Ellie May and Madi xoxo

Miss Lili wanted to say “Hi!!!” to Lil Rosie!!!

Hi hope u r doing well…I love seeing u and trixie..u2 r my fav girls…I also, love the mia foundation..I wish all animals could have a loving family like yours…Lipton

Hi Rosie… we’re Brody the golden and Brando the boston 🙂 Yodi showed you to us… wanna be furriends ♥

Hi Rosie. My name is Cissy-Meri and I am an angel now, but my Mommy who loved me more than anything in the world dressed me up. Mostly for our dementia patients, as we were a Registered Pet Therapy Team and visited for hospice. ♥

Orlando here again. Hey Rosie..will mom let you go with me in the car? How about goin to get a cheesburger and a milkshake? ♥

Bea in Albuquerque says HELLO! I am a foster dog and I hope I find a forever home as nice as yours. I love you Rosie.

Harley had a really hard life too rosie-but now he’s living the good life-just like you ♥

Hi, Rosie!!
Your mummy and my mummy are really great friends…
If we ever met we would be the best of friends 🙂 Angel

Hi Rosie, my name is Eva Reina. I know you have much love in your life, me too! I will say my prayers for you to be well.

Hello Rosie, we follow your posts from Australia and we love you, (left to right) Frank the Dachshund, Ellie, Mia, Clyde, Bonnie and Penny

rosie ♥ my mommy puts my pretty clothes on me a couple times a week 🙂 i love it too ♥ isn’t it wonderful to feel so pampered after the rough start you had in life? ♥ Lulu

Hi pretty Rosie…wanna play chipmonkey? ♥ Orlando (Rosies fb boyfriend)

Boo smiling at you… with her brother Baku the Lowchen

Happy Halloween Rosie – I’m not allowed to go Trick or Treating because I’m one of those typical Chis who likes to attack everyone that moves. Hope your’s is extra special. I’m staying home in my nice warm wife-beater T-shirt “Devil Inside!” Love Fergie

Hi Rosie, I wanted to show you my new Halloween Costume 🙂 Jasmine

Love to Rosie ♥ Satorii

Hi Rosie! My name is Daisy, Im 13 years old and I like smelly socks. 🙂

Rosie do you want to share my marshmellows? They are sweet like you!

HI, ROSIE! My name is Doris Day,aka,”Dori”. I’d like to be your friend 🙂

Lil Chips looking in on you Rosie to see how your doing, we love you so much. I would have been put down just because I’m different and deaf and blind in one eye so I knows how it is to be rescued. ♥ Lil Chips

Hi Rosie, Im a rescue too and I have a big crush on you!! ♥ Rudi

Hi Rosie! I’m Rudi’s brother, Doodlebug… I have a crush on you, too! ♥ Doodlebug

Rosie, I loves you this much!! Your friend ♥Ellie May

Hello Rosie from Miss Roxie!

Hi Rosie! I’m Toby and we are too far and can’t send any toys to you. But we send big kiss and many hugs!

My name is Pip. I’m a Chihuahua puppy from the shelter. I also have fused front leg bones and hop around, and I live a happy life just like Rosie now!

We are sending all our love and respect for señorita Rosie =D Puppy kisses from the Pack of the Savage Schnauzers & Freddie ♥

Pokey here. just stopping over to say HI, we love u Rosie… u come over when u can.

Lyric wishes Rosie the best of health! She is, also, a rescue dog and knows what it’s like to be abused, neglected and have surgery on her mouth 🙁 but today she is healthy and happy and hopes the same for Rosie! ♥

Hi Rosie!! I am sending you a big hug and lots of love……from me LITTLE LUCKY and my sister LEELA….we watch your page everyday!!! xoxoxoxo

Hi Rosie my grandma told me about you and i asked her to put my pic up here to give you hugs and love….you are so sweet I wish i could play with you, there’s nothing like two Chihuahuas together! Even though we never met you will be my best friend forever….xoxoxoxo….Dolce…

miss hearing from you! Hope everything is good. Love to Rosie from Simba.

Hi Rosie! I’m Ellie from Maryland. My Mom thinks you sure are a pretty girl. I think you are brave to swim. Orlando is cute.

Hi Rosie ! I’m Millie and a puppy mill rescue, I now live the “Diva” lifestyle like you 🙂 My mom and I love following your page !

Hello Rosie, this is ABBEY!!!!! This is the first picture of Mommy and me…..
We had a long exciting day and I am so happy to be home. Thank you and your Mommy so,so much to make this happen. You changed my life ♥

rosie, i would like to introduce you to “Dandy”, that’s short for “Dandelion” – the two of you would go well together in a garden! i’m sure you and Dandy would play together very nicely and sweetly and never ever EVER get into any kind of trouble. – right, dandy?

Mom and I are so happy that you are feeling better, can’t wait to see your new SMILE!! Now that you are feeling better I will be looking for your pics in the “Sexy” t-shirt I picked out for you!! We love you!! Miz Daisy

Rosie, chin up beautiful, you will be good as new before you know it. ♥ Ziggy

Hi Rosie!!! Me and my pal, Ziggy, want to wish you a Happy National Dog Day. We know you get spoiled now every day and are so happy about that! We love you!!! ♥ Flower

Just wanted to say Hi and send love to sweet Rosie from me and my precious Chihuahua Lucy! Lucy is 7 years old and has been my 4 legged child since the day that I got her at 6 weeks old!! I am so happy that Rosie is now knowing the love that she has always deserved!

Sheena sending you Friday nosey kisses. Hope you and your mummy get the rest you need this weekend. You both need the down time to get ready for the next wonderful step in your recovery. Sending you lots of love, prayers and hugs♥

Hola Rosie!!! Mommy left us alone and we made this art craft with some paper we found in the bathroom… What do you think about our art craft? =) ~ La pandilla de Schnauzers salvajes & Freddie

Hi Rosie Doll! Cyrus & me want to wish you and your family super duper Happy Thanksgiving. We love you lots! ♥ Flower

Prince is waiting anxiously to hear about Rosie’s dental! He’s a rescue dog too and you can see the gap in the front where the vet pulled a bad tooth during his dental.

Hi,sweet Rosie. I just stopped by to say hello and send you lots of love and hugs. TTYL. ~ Shiloh

Jack and Rylee are sending Rosie lots of licks and love!

Stopping in to say Hello Rosie! ~ JoJo

Goodnight Rosie ♥ love, Rudy

Rosie hello! Charlotte and Delfina send you greetings from Argentina! Hope you’re doing as well as you deserve!

Katie and Bogart say hi from the redwoods.

Hi Rosie, Jasmine is just popping in to say hello! She wants you to know she will be 15 in the next month or so!

Sending lots of love from Reno, Nevada to you, Rosie girl!!! xoxoxox ♥ Gitana Morales

Whippets (Dusky and Fleuranna) are sending a big HUG and XX to Rosie!!

Barry says hello Rosie! You`re looking so much more better!
~From Barry, the Pom rescud from a Dog hoarder at 4 months old.~

Dr. Antonio the Italian Greyhound says: he wishes he could visit Rosie and help her get well. We love you, Rosie!

Hi Rosie! Just thought you’d appreciate this. Take care, sweetie! ♥ Teddy

This is our wee doggie, she is sending lots of love to wee Rosie and wishing her a speedy recovery. She was a rescue dog too and I adopted her when she was being given away at 4 years old as she wasnt wanted anymore…her name is Lucky and she is very Lucky indeed, this is a photo of her with all her toys. Rosie is so lovely and I hope she feels better soon xxx

HI Rosie, I just found out about you and read your story online and I am your fan! So proud of you and the people that rescued and saved you! Oh and….My Chihuahua Taco thinks your a doll 🙂 xoxox

Dear Rosie, My name is Greebo, and I am a kitty cat. I’m not friends with too many goggies, but I’m happy to see your page and know you! I think you are beautiful from your crystal blue eyes to your sweet smile! Your website made my Mommy’s (and mine too) eyes leak from happy tears. I love you!

Just wanted to say hi baby Rosie! My name is Baby Thea and even thou I’ve never met u, I read ur story, and immediately, I felt we should be friends! Xoxoxoxox ♥

Doodlebug is so overwhelmed by your beauty that he’s driving all the way from Pennsylvania to try to win your paw in marriage!

Rosie, Momma sez you are a hero and we hope you’ll be our friend. XOXOXO from The X-Men ♥

Happy St. Patrick’s Day Rosie! ♥ Scarlett

Happy Easter Rosie!!! Ever wonder how they came up with the mold for chocolate easter bunnies? Well, wonder no more. Although I do think the snout needs some work! ♥ Flower

Hi Rosie! Thanks for keeping my mom company on Tuesday! She can’t stop talking about you! Love from Felix. ♥

Hey Rosie, happy Easter the lord has risen, you are a miracle of life and love. My Lucy sends her Easter greeting to you with prayers for healing and abundant life with gods protection amen.

Hi Rosie!!! Felix and Pepper send love from Chicago! ♥

Kate and Peyton send love and kisses to Rosie!

Thanks Rosie! Due to your rescue and inspiring story, my new owners decided that a older dog rescue was the only way to go! Now I have my own fur-ever home! XoXoXo Daisy.

Dear Rosie,
I wanted to dribe by and say how beautiful you are! I want to fank your parents for loving you SO much and giving you eberyfing you need. Keep up the great work!! Mama did a FB page so we can help assist special needs babies wike us …XOXOX Lub, Tiny Tim

I heard I need to step up my game to win your heart! Rosie, I can play you songs on my guitar and roooooo to you! Luv, Antonio

Hola mi Corazon! Mes iz Casper n mes wanna intwoduce mesef to youz! Mes hab fallin in lubz wif youz!♥

Miss R, I am a big fan and just adore you to no end. Maybe next year you can be my Valentine Lickies and paw hugs and keep on making everything coming up Rosie! ~ Tuck

You & your family are so inspiring Rosie ♥ We have friends in Malibu, maybe some day we can meet in person! I saw where you are entered in the Beautiful Eyes contest, I just shared your page on mine & asked our pack to vote for you and several others we know. We LOVE your eyes! ♥ Your friends, Spike & Scrappy Taylor – San Diego

Hiya Rosie! Looks like yoo iz making lossa new fwends deeze days. I hopes yoo gots room for one more. Yoo iz my kinda pup! Big luff & hugs from Pennsylvania! ~ ArlieJo

Hi Rosie! I am so honored to have heard about you and be able to share the joy of your story. Me and my mommas feel the same way about special needs animals of all kinds. I am blind and sometimes I think if it weren’t for my mommas I wouldn’t be here today. We love you Rosie. ~ Misfit the blind dog

Hi Rosie I came to tell you hi and I think you have lots of puppy power !!! Wave paw. I hope we can be friends!! ~ Bella

Hi Rosie! I think it is cool that our fur matches! Maybe that means we can be friends!!! ~ Freckles

This is a poems for you Rosie, x Brogan
Rosie’s Friends: Furry Wishes • Going Green/Pink Wishes • Birthday & Valentine Wishes • Christmas Wishes | Rescue Stories