Aug 11, 2014 – Update on Scrat and her pals
Sharing this update from Marley’s site on Scrat and her pals. Scrat is doing great today and it appears she is now cancer-free. The spots on her liver may signal something else but we’ll know more tomorrow. In any case, with help, all three can live happy productive lives and can help educate others on what happens when dogs are bred, neglected and exploited to make money.
Here’s a quick update on our three precious pups that we rescued after they were seized by animal control due to abuse.
Each have numerous ailments including missing lower jaws and cancerous tumors. They were most likely pawns in a pathetic breeding operation, that, thankfully is no more. They spent 2 months at the shelter and who knows how long in suffering before that. They are Happy, Stuart Little and Scrat– and they have won all of our hearts. Scrat has already had surgery to remove a massive, concerous tumor from her mammary area. Stuart has been diagnosed with a heart murmur and is being treated accordingly. Happy is scheduled for surgery on Tuesday to remove a massive tumor from his belly area and treat his terrible periodontal disease.
We have transferred Scrat the care of a glorious woman named Cinnamon of Everything Rosie. She had a dog very similar to Scrat, named Rosie, whom she recently lost but not before making a difference in the lives of thousands. I have no doubt that they will all go on to live productive lives and help serve to educate the public about breeding and puppy mills. Any extra money that is raised will go to our spay and neuter program which serves the very area that they came from.
Photos by Marley’s Mutts Dog Rescue