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Rosie’s Facebook Friends and their Rescue Stories
Meet Miss Trixie – Follow Trixie on Facebook!
After living 10-12 yrs. of severe neglect and abuse Trixie got a second chance at the good life. Wandering the streets flea infested, skin and bones, bleeding, severe skin issues, nails so long she couldn’t walk without crying. Like so many unwanted dogs life hasn’t been easy for this smiling angel. Her jaw has been broken in 3 places and never fixed. Trixie was used for breeding by someone who feed her “when he remembered” … most of her meals were found in the garbage bags that covered the front lawn.
April 8, 2012 was the day Kristen Vilardi “rescued” this little senior girl and the day the battle started for her to live a happy, healthy, long life. The battle continued but Trixie had Kristen and a whole community fighting along side her…with no intention of losing.
On October 7, 2012 Trixie put up a good fight but she just couldn’t fight anymore. She passed. We need to unite in Trixie’s memory and in writing the new chapters of Rosie’s story and stop the practice of breeding for greed. We need to get dogs like Trixie and Rosie into loving homes and out of the darkness and neglect. All our love to Kristen, Phil and our heart to Trixie!
Meet Bunny the Miracle Puppy – Follow Bunny on Facebook!
Bunny was born on 09/26/2012 with a primary cleft palate, and without eyes. But she doesn’t let this stop her! Bunny was born to a South Central LA rescue named Mima. Mima was too ill and emaciated to produce milk for the puppies, so Bunny and her two siblings were bottle fed from the day they were born every 2-3 hours. One of Bunny’s siblings did not survive, but the other, a perfectly healthy puppy named Piggly Wiggly was adopted. Bunny currently resides in CA with Pulling for Paws rescue as a permanent resident receiving all of the medical help she needs!
Meet Tiny Tim – Follow Tiny Tim on Facebook!
This is one of my new friends on FB. His name is Tiny Tim and he struggles every day with eating and his diagnosis is very bad. Born May 4, 2009, Cleft Palate Puppy Survivor (non-surgical) due to other health issues. He is a special needs French Bulldog Sharing Love, information, and inspiration to help others. Please say prayers for my tiny friend or give him a shout. He’s a special little guy!
On August 18, 2013 It is with great sadness we share this update on Tiny Tim. We will always cherish those photos and videos of this beautiful soul. Love to his family xoxo. Rest in Peace and be with the angels little friend!!
Meet Harley – Follow Harley on Facebook!
I was born in a horrible puppy mill. I started out a cute little brindle colored Chihuahua pup, but in a very short time I was pretty grungy, I suppose I looked the color of dirt. I had my own wire cage to live it, it was small, the wire floor made my feet hurt, but I got used to it. I didn’t wish for a bed, a toy, a bone or even clean water, I didn’t know what those things were. Humans were my enemy, never a kind word, never a loving hand – actually, come to think of it, I didn’t know what those things were either. My job was to help make babies – not sure how many kids I have out there, maybe hundreds, thousands?
The years all ran together, nothing ever changed, I got older, more crippled and then the cough started. Turns out I was in heart failure. The puppy mill people didn’t want me anymore, they considered tossing me in the dumpster, as is, still breathing… but I was lucky because a wonderful rescue called, “Because of You Chihuahua Rescue” took me away.
Meet Emma Cleft Palate Chihuahua – Follow Emma on Facebook!
Emma is a tiny Chihuahua born in 2008 with a cleft palate, cleft lip and craniofacial deformities. She turned 4 years old on August 4th 2012 and is approximately 30 ounces in weight. Emma was rescued at 17 hours old – tube fed for the first 9 months of her life – has endured 6 surgeries (all, for the most part, to no avail) – and her skull is still wide open in many areas, leaving nothing between her tiny brain and the world but a paper thin layer of skin. She doesn’t “live the life of a dog” – because the world is just much too dangerous for her – but she is a brilliant, sweet spirited, blissfully content little girl ~ and the light of our lives!!
Meet Ellie May and Madi – Ellie May and Madi on Facebook!
These darling little special chi pups, Ellie May and Madi were born on Valentine’s Day 2012, both with front limb deformities. Rescued in early March, they are thriving, happy and healthy. They are precious active little puppies who brighten everyone’s day with their silly antics! Ellie May recently received her wheelchair from a generous donation from Team London Scholarship (as their first scholarship recipients) and Madi will be getting a prosthetic in Nov. They are training to be therapy dogs and are ready to brighten the world, one smile at a time! These special girls show everyone who meets them that different is just beautiful!
Meet Damon, The Nutter Butter Rescue Yorkie – Follow Damon on Facebook!
I was founds as a stray in 2011 and was brought to the Humane Society of Broward County where my mommy, Jennifer Stier saw my picture online. I was so small and skinny – only weighing about 4 to 4 1/2 pounds and I had a scary scar on my back, but I was so happy to meet Mommy that when she picked me up I gave her a kiss right then and there and Mommy said she fell in loves instantly wif me. I founds my furever home, so I gotta try and makes sure I can helps as many others as possible find theirs too, cuz every animal out dere deserves lots of loves. ♥
Meet Snow White – Follow Snow White on Facebook!
Snow White, has lost 3/4 of her lower jaw and her hind right leg to cancer. Snow White is a ridiculously sweet 6 year-old who came into the city shelter, in February 2012, when her owner was charged with animal cruelty and neglect. She sat in her cage for 3 months, as evidence, until the courts determined she would be taken away from her owner permanently. Safe Humane Chicago’s Court Case Dog Program employees met Snow White in May of 2012 and immediately began seeking rescue for her. She had a huge tumor on her jaw, which they knew to be cancerous and certainly painful and a questionable tumor on her thigh. A cage was no life for this adorably sweet girl. Friends of Chicago Animal Care and Control stepped up to the plate and took this girl into their foster program a few weeks later.
Meet Little Roo was dropped off at the shelter when she was only 6 weeks old by a breeder that couldn’t sell her. Both of her front legs are fused much like Rosie’s (Rosie walks like Little Roo). So I took her home to foster her and of course we couldn’t give her up, we fell in love with her. Special needs animals bring such a joy to your life. Little Roo is a Certified Therapy Dog and a Reading Assistance dog for children. Roo goes to schools, hospitals, and special events. Educating people about special needs animals is an important thing to do to show they are wonderful companions and best friends just as much as other animals. I have had many people come up and ask questions about Roo and say “she’s special like me” with a smile. Its about the smiles she brings to children, Veterans, and its about making that “special needs” human feel good. Thank you Cinnamon and Rosie is an inspiration for many others to come.
Meet Jasmine. One of Rosie’s beautiful little FB pals passed away Monday night (January 14, 2013). She was an abuse survivor who went on to become a humane education partner. What a beautiful little soul the world has lost. Our condolences to DeeAnn!
From DeeAnn “This is my Jasmine, who passed in her sleep Monday night. She was what I call my heart dog. Almost 5 years ago at age 10 she came into the shelter I work at broken and bruised. She couldn’t walk, she had been horribly treated. However, she loved people and became my humane education partner. We went to school after school, event after event and spoke of animal neglect and abuse. Her tired little body could just not go on any longer. My heart has a hole in it that will probably never close, but I am a better person for being owned by her.”
Meet Calvin – Follow Calvin on Facebook!
Good morning Rosie! I has a smile from one puppy mill rescue to anudder! You hang in dere baby gurl! Eberybody at Safehaven SBR lubs you!
Calvin was born on 6-22-11 in a puppy mill with a serious heart defect. Rejected by the broker’s vet, Calvin could not be sold, his future was bleak. Rejection of any puppy usually means death, but somehow Calvin was spared.
Meet Felix –
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Felix was found in June, 2012, living in a ditch in Texas. He had no fur, scabs all over his back, his tail had been chopped off, his eye poked out and he was starving. Thanks to SNARR he is now living the life up in Chicago!

Hi Rosie, this is Mai Mai. I wanted to write and say hello to you. Like you, I’m special too. Some evil person shot me with a shotgun so now not only do I have pellets still in me but I have really nasty seizures. I take medicine for it now but I can’t go back to my home in the wild. I want you to know that you are special and unique and that people (and raccoon’s) everywhere love you.

Hi Rosie! My name is Sheila, and like you I am a rescue dog. I was found tied up in a train container on a train bound for Zimbabwe. Nobody knows what happened to me in my past but it is clear to my family that I was very badly abused at one point. Luckily my story had a happy ending just like yours! Sending all my love and well wishes. And strength for your therapy sessions, I can’t wait to see pictures of you on wheels one day 🙂 All my love and paws forever, Sheila

Hi Rosie, my name is Arnold, I am a three-legged mix breed from Costa Rica, my first human was cruel to me and chopped my leg off with a machete. Now I have a home where I am loved by my dad and my brothers and sisters (4 cats and 3 dogs). Get well soon, you have a good reason for that, your people love you.

Dear Rosie, my name is MIZ DAISY. I am a rescue puppy as well, my mom & I live on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands. I am so happy that you have found your forever home. I think that you are very cute and my mom & I would like to send you some things from the Islands. Please have your mom send us an address. Lots of wet doggy kisses from me to you!!
Meet Abbey Koch Williams –
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Happy Thanksgiving sweet Rosie…,we both have a wonderful,happy home.Thank you for everything ♥ Abbey Koch-Williams

Chip is sending Rosie a kiss and wearing his best friend shirt since he wants to be her BFF!!! He was an abused rescue also, but at least he had a decent breeder, it was the owner who abused him, but he had it bad so he feels her pain 🙁 Many kisses to you Rosie and much Chip-love too ♥
Meet Mylee Kennedy –
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Hiya Rosie!!! Its Mylee.. I come to share this with you! My logo for dogs and humans of different abilities… We are not disabled, we are special.. So special!!! Oh and we are soooo lucky. You know, its no secret I came from a breeder but that breeder did poorly.. I was just 7 months old when I suffered my first broken leg.. And a few months over a year when I broke my other which required a plate but come to find out I suffered from something nutritionally. I live with a bowed leg now and occasionally it bothers me but just like you it doesn’t stop me from being me… So Rosie, you keep being YOU and don’t let your DISABILITY stop YOU from being the person.. I mean doggie… you want to be!!! ♥ you!!!

Dexter was an abandoned stray before rescue. He wants Rosie to know that he shares her love of Lambchop, some of her facial features and a misshapen lower jaw. He also shares the unconditional, and abundant love of his forever family where he’s been thriving for over 3 years. ♥ you, Rosie
Meet Flower –
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Flower wants you to know how much she loves you, Rosie. She is also from a hoarding situation and although she was not in very bad physical shape (thankfully) , she has many emotional scars that she is learning to overcome. She is my therapy dog for the fosters that we have as she comforts them and lets them know life is just beginning. We think you are the most precious girl and send our love from Hawaii. ♥

This is my Jesse, confiscated with 50 other dogs from a puppy mill. She had given birth numerous times, given a number but never a name. Never out of a cage, eating and drinking from her own wastes, along with 5 other dogs. Now she is queen of our house. Toys, clean food and water, sweaters, blankets and a good vet. And two old people, my husband and me, to hold her, kiss her, play with her. Another happy ending like your little fur girl. Merry Christmas, Jesse and Rosie.

This is my little angel Honey. I give her lots of love and smooches every time I send love and healing to Rosie. When I look at Honey, I see a little being so much like Rosie. Honey was bred once (all 5 lbs. of her) with a boston terrier. the resulting pregnancy broke her rib cage (which sticks out funny) and nearly killed her. The picture is of the night I picked her up from the woman who was selling her after deciding she wasn’t useful to them. I have so much love for Honey and I hope some of the extra love spills out into the universe and lands on Rosie’s soul. She is blessed to have such a wonderful person to care for her. I just wanted to share the picture since Rosie reminds me so much of Honey. Our beautiful bald headed little girls.

We have a little rescue, a 6yo old miniature poodle, who was neglected so severely that her lower jaw rotted away from dental disease. Little Molly has had a couple of major surgeries to remove diseased teeth and free floating bone and even though she now has only half a lower jaw bone, she is doing wonderfully well. I wanted to share this with Rosie’s mum to say that dogs can adapt to this really well and it is amazing to watch them show us the way, how they can adapt to accommodate the lack of teeth and the different feel in their mouth. So I wish for Rosie a similarly good recovery and that hopefully they may be able to reconstruct her jaw or make her as comfortable as possible with it. All the best little Rosie, from Molly and her mum in Australia.

I just wanted to share a pic of my Bree (we call her Princess Breezy), I got her when she was about 3 years old from a rescue. She was used as a breeder in a puppy mill also. She had heartworm and terrible ear mites when I got her. She is almost 10 now, this is a picture of her after she went to the groomer for a “pampering”. Love updates on Rosie, thanks for taking such good care of her!

Sophie wants to wish you good luck Rosie in your recovery! You and she share some resemblance in the ears. Sophie knows some of what you have been through. She is an Italian Greyhound who was rescued from a backyard breeder a year and a half ago. She was breed and found in a garage in the winter without food or water. She had to have 22 teeth removed, be spayed, and be put on medication for seizures. We hope Rosie keeps feeling better every day.

Hi, Rosie…we are Peetey, Echo, Pixie and Mr. Beans, and our Mommy rescued all of us too! I, Peetey, (here in the back) am the oldest and speak for the group…I will be 18 next month! Guess what? My little brother, Mr. Beans, with the tongue sticking out is special, too…he had to have his back leg taken off, so now he only has three! We wanted to stop by to say hello and wish you luck and hope that every day is a little better. We love you, Rosie and Miss Cinnamon, too!

Greetings from Harrisburg Pa Rosie! My name is Tre. I am a 10 year old albino chihuahua. I am epileptic, missing the hair of my inner belly (cant really see it in this pic), I have no teeth (thats why my tounge hangs out) and I am rapidly losing my sight… in fact, my mom bought me sunglasses to wear outside! We just wanted to tell you that we think you are so pretty and we send you puppy power! xoxox Tre Tre davis
Meet Sage –
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Rosie, my mummy told me all about u!! U’s a miracle pup!! I hopes you get stronger every single day. I knows what it’s like to be hurt and abandoned, but I made it too and so can U!!!! Awww, U is so so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!! I hopes u will be my friend…come by my page when u has da time! woof wooF! xoxox ~ Sage Magnolia Schreck

Miss Jazz was a back yard breeder’s dog, kicked, starved and left out in subzero temperatures. She weighed 2 pounds when she came to our shelter. I wanted you to see Miss Jazz in her cart…she is with her sister Pebbles (Pebblypoop) at a school event here in our town. Her back end is completely curved to the side and the cart is amazing.

Bella says “HELLO! :D” with a big wag of her tail. She is a purebred boxer and was abandoned on a reserve at 4 weeks old by her backyard breeder. She was a runt and wasn’t needed. She has spent 5 joyful years with us now and we are lucky she is relatively healthy. Bella does have a heart murmur and some benign tumors but it hasn’t stopped her yet! Lets fight against animals abusers and backyard breeders! We WILL WIN! 😀 I just want to thank all the people out there who rescue dogs, cats and other animals and to those who adopt and foster! Thank you for adopting instead of buying from breeders! We are making a difference to so many animals’ lives!

Hello -My name is Charity. I am a special Blue Chihuahua from West Texas. I was abandoned in a kill shelter several years ago with my daughter Hope. We both had congenital deformities. I was born with deformed front legs, my paws are crooked and missing some bones. Hope was born with out any front legs and had more serious internal problems that could not be fixed. She had heart problems and passed away. Our foster mom says a breeder made us wrong that way. But I am soft and sweet and easy to love. I also have a dilute “Blue dog” gene that makes me have soft grey blue hair and a bald head. I think I am about 7 years old and weigh maybe eight pounds.

I just wanted to share my yearly group picture of my dogs with you and Rosie. I just love Rosie so much. I have a special place in my heart for the special needs dogs. Several of mine are special needs. I have some that were born deaf, one with a crooked spine and a cleft nose and lip. A couple one eyed. My one friend dubbed my house the scratch and dent farm. I love that. Merry Christmas Rosie!!!!

This is Teddy, the very sweet chi pappion mix puppy. Teddy was born without eyes and has severe neurological challenges. He, like Rosie, is the product of a “Greeder”…inbreeding to make a buck or with a disregard for the babies produced. Teddy will be flown from California to Ontario Canada where he will live with me and one day become a spokes puppy for the special needs babies. Puppy mills and backyard breeders must be brought to the forefront…it is all about the dogs…it is all about loving these special babies.

Hi Rosie, this is Jasmine’s younger (12 years old) sibling Stewart Little, he was a breeder and dumped at the shelter for being “vicious” two years ago. He started training with her last year for humane education. He’s a little shy, but thought he should introduce himself. He hopes you feel better.
Meet Tweety –
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Hey Rosie, my name is Tweety and I was rescued from a backyard where food was given to me, but the birds gobbled it up before I could eat enough (I’m not the fastest eater with my unique mouth). I also was unable to get frisky with the ladies because I was ‘cryptorchid’, whatever that is! I’m gaining weight and strength now and no longer have to compete for my food! I have a huge crush on you, Rosie, and you’re also my role model. Hugs and kisses – Tweety
Meet Rabbi Otis
I’m Rabbi Otis. I love to be your friend…will you be my friend? I was dumped at age 15 on the Long Island expressway in New York. They did not want me any more because I was old and have special needs. I was almost hit on the highway, no one wanted me and they were going to put me to sleep till they told my mom Leeday about me. Now I’m her asst rabbi for all her bark mitzvahs and now I’m 20. Do I look it this photo. Watch me in April on mal wild geo with Howard Sterns wife Beth Stern on Spoiled Rotton Pets. See me doing a bark mitzvah at Leeday pet Who ever see’s this lots of sloppy licks to you all, Rabbi Otis

Remember Phoenix? He is the puppy from Kansas who was dumped on the side of the road with a broken pelvis, a severely injured and infected leg and a bag of dog food. Well, here he is now! He is fully healed, happy, healthy and ready for his forever home! Phoenix would like to thank Rosie for sharing his story and for all the love, donations and goodies that were sent to him! Thank you Rosie and thank you all for your love and support of this precious little dog! He is the sweetest little boy and he deserves the perfect forever home! He is in rescue with All About Paws in Bridgeton, MO, near St. Louis. Please share and help Phoenix find his forever home! xoxoxoxo!!

This is my Annabel. Born with only one eye, a wonky nose and bad knees, but she has no idea anything is wrong. She is a very happy girl.

Hi Rosie! I wanted you to meet Daisy! She was orphaned from the time she was two days old and bottle fed until she was old enough to eat kibble. We got Daisy when she was four months old and now she’s going on four this year! You can’t see it in this picture, but Daisy has an under bite from being inbred in a puppy mill. She thinks your story is inspirational!

This is my fur baby and my world Herculeez. He was a product of inbreeding in a puppy mill in Oklahoma. The owners were going to put him down because his two front paws were deformed when he was born. My friends found him and told me about him when they were looking at Pom puppies. I brought him home and this lil guy has changed my life. I know he is the one who rescued me. He is my world and I can’t imagine my life without him. he knows no bounds and learns something new everyday! He is happy and has no clue he is different!! Thank you god for my lil man Herc, without him I would really be lonely!

We had a little Chihuahua rescue who was similar to Rosie, although Mouse was not as handicapped. Inbred, and used as a breeder…he spent his life locked up in a small bathroom. The husband didn’t like him so he kicked him all the time…can you imagine kicking ANY animal, much less one who weighed just a couple pounds?! When he came to us, he was almost bald, had a grade 4 heart murmur, the vet didn’t think he’d survive for long, but we were blessed with Mouse for several years. Mouse passed away from CHF a couple years ago, we now have Pinto who was in a CA shelter where the flies were so bad, they chewed the edges of his ears off. He was a very traumatized little boy when he came to us, but is such a happy little boy now!

Hello my name is Lady Bug (aka Pinky). I too was turned loose in a nature preserve and left to take care of myself in the big world. I was found with only a sunburn and no major issues when turned in to Midwest Dachshund Rescue ( I have found my forever home with my mom Tammy, human family and dog siblings Yukon, Rusty and Mya all of whom are rescue dogs. My mom tells me every day how special I am and how lucky she is to have me. Although I am deaf and sight impaired (poor breeding) I have no hair but am the beautiful color of pink, I don’t think I’m different then any other dachshund. I am 3 years old.

Rosie, i came from a mean ole house where they made METH and i don’t have any teeth! they all fell out because of that drug and i was kicked and my hip was broke!! but i am happy and feeling better. i was rescued in Kentucky, i weighed 2 1/2 pounds when i was found and now i weigh 4 pounds! you will get better too, you found someone who loves you now. my name is Mr. Tad and i think you are just wonderful, you need to come and live with me. woof woof and kiss kiss
Meet Popi –
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Popi is a Chihuahua/Jack Russell Mix who was rescued by Second Chance Wildlife Rescue in 2010. Popi was found in a hoarders house with 51 dogs, 18 cats, 2 doves and a goat. Popi had a difficult life. First he ended up in Manhattans City Shelter, then when he thought he was safe, he went to the hoarders house for who knows how long. On June 9th, he ended up going to Second Chance which was the end of the abuse for Popi. When Popi arrived at Second Chance he had distinct signs of abuse. In some point of his life his tail was broken along with his front leg and neither healed correctly…learn more about Popi on his facebook page.
Meet Alice –
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My name is Alice and I am a deaf-blind puppy mill survivor. I spent seven years in deplorable conditions. Puppy mill survivors, like me, are in a different kind of class. While our bodies age physically close to our normal age group, our fragile minds do not. Bridging the gap between our mind and body can happen, but it takes a lot of patience. My Mama is dedicated in telling people my story to help people understand that there is hope, whether slight or great, for helping us overcome some of those challenges. Learn more on my website!

Hi Rosie, I would like you to meet our special girl Sophie. She is a Pom, who has been abused all of her life. She was born like this, her humans did this to her. She has been here at
Mingus Manor for a year now and has come a long way. She is a fighter and enjoys everyday. She cries when she can’t see me and goes searching through the house to find me. She is a love bug like you! She has several spinal and neck injuries, which is why she is crooked and can only use 3 legs. She loves hearing me tell her your story. She said you are a fighter like she is and hopes someday to meet you. We are in Phoenix, AZ. Good night precious girl – have sweet dreams. Photography by
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